
reducing carbon emissions by rethinking organic waste.



Bioforcetech is a machine development company that has designed two novel pieces of equipment: a BioDryer and the Sigma pyrolysis unit. These machines work together to take any wet organic waste stream (like the billions of tons of food and yard waste managed annually by municipalities around the world) and turn it into a physical sequestered carbon without using any external energy.




branding design

creative direction

ux/ui design

(in progress!)


branding design

While the solution Bioforcetech has developed is highly technological and science-driven, their methods draw on a powerful force of nature. Instead of developing completely new methods of sequestering carbon, they recognize that nature has already designed the fastest way to draw down carbon from the atmosphere; photosynthesis. It offers us an affordable and attainable way to repair our exhausted ecosystem before we run out of time.


transparent, clear, simple

Given the intricacy of the Bioforcetech process, we have chosen a streamlined and simplified branding approach. This approach offers clients the necessary mental and visual clarity to better understand it.

To effectively convey the mission and narrative of Bioforcetech, we crafted a series of introductory PDF sets intended for diverse stakeholders. We designed brochures for each of BFT's machines, complemented by an introductory brochure to orient newcomers to the company.


Creative Direction



In order to give prospective clients and partners a sense of a typical installation’s size and configuration, we captured drone footage of BFT’s pilot plant on the San Francisco Bay.



For one Bioforcetech’s keystone conferences, WEFTEC, i designed and modeled a VR experience for their booth.

Once inside the vr headset, visitors were verbally walked through the various rooms by a team member as part of an interactive experience. Below is a video fly through of the different environments users went through.




We’re currently in the process of interviewing users in order to understand how we should communicate with them and how we can best support their experience on Bioforcetech’s site. Once we have a solid grasp on what to say and how to say it, we’ll develop wireframes and prototypes to be tested and iterated until we’re confident in our final product.